COVID Protocols for F.L.O.G.

The following is a list of precautions we will take to minimize the risk of spreading COVID at our parties. These measures will be used as directed by Federal, State, County, or City guidance. 

In order to attend any F.L.O.G. events, you will be required to sign a waiver stating that you agree to abide by any safety precautions currently in use during the time of your visit, and that you understand the risk of attending an event at this time. Further, our venue is requiring that you present evidence of vaccination, or a negative COVID test within 72 hours.

  • Everyone will be required to wear a mask at all times that you are not playing in the dungeon or sitting at a table eating or drinking.
  • There will be markings on the floor when entering designed to help with social distancing. 
  • There will be one door for entry and a separate door for exit in order to help maintain a socially distanced traffic flow.
  • We will have “clean pens” for people doing paperwork; feel free to keep them after you have registered. If you don’t want to keep them there will be a bin for used pens; please don’t put them back in the “clean pens”.
  • Seating in the registration area is for people filling out paperwork only and is reduced to allow for more social distance.
  • Hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies will be at each piece of dungeon equipment and available throughout the venue.
  • Social distancing will be maintained whenever you aren’t in a scene in the dungeon.
  • Dungeon furniture is set out to maximize the available space, please don’t move it!
  • You are required to clean play equipment both before and after play. A professional disinfectant will be provided. DM’s will be cleaning high-touch areas on a regular basis, and the entire dungeon will be cleaned with professional disinfectant before it opens.